What Install Type Do I Need?

Selecting the right ATX installation type is important. During installation, the Select Your Install Type dialog box helps you make the right selection for the computer on which you're installing the program:

Installation: Select Your Install Type


Select this install type if you'll be preparing taxes on this workstation (computer) and you do not need to share this tax data with any other workstations in your organization. This is the correct configuration for most single-computer, single-user offices. See Stand-Alone Installation.


Select this install type if you are not the only person in your office, or if you intend to bring additional people on during the season and want to share data across a network. If you select Network, you'll have three installation choices for the current computer.

Installation: Select Your Install Type (Network)

Server Only

Select this install type if the current computer will only be used as a server to store data and transfer data to other computers on the network. Choose this setup if the current computer will not be used to prepare tax returns. See Network Server Installation.

Workstation Only

Select this install type if you'll be preparing taxes on this workstation (computer) but intend to share this tax data with other workstations and a server. See Network Workstations Installation.

If you select the Workstation Only install type, it is assumed that you've already installed ATX on a server.

Workstation and Server

Select this install type if this workstation (computer) will be used as a server and also to prepare tax returns. See Workstation and Server Installation.